I was 12. It was that transitional phase when a girl needs her mother the most. Everyday she dropped us off at school and said, “I love you, I’ll see you later.” I never knew how important those words would be to me.
At my mother’s memorial, we sat surrounded by family in front of a fireplace. My aunt and I reminisced about my mother’s selfless nature. Our hearts and minds must have been in sync because we both saw it. There it was, hovering there in the empty fireplace. It was a glowing light. An orb, if you will. Mom? 
From that day forward I have been fascinated with light and the possibility of having seen some form of my mother. I have allowed the death of my mother to breathe life into my work.
The inspiration of spiritual moments and nostalgia is the driving force behind my work. The luminosity of my pieces represent a presence, whether it is spiritual or physical is up for interpretation. Through using levels of opacity and transparency, light, line and shape, color and value, my works attempt to evoke the memories of loved ones lost. I want viewers of my work to allow themselves to feel, to remember, and to relate. I want them to be able to say, “I love you, I’ll see you later.”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is very interesting to hear about your past life and what got you interested in art! Just know we love you so much and we´ve got your back <3
